Most, if not all, multifamily digital marketers can tell you how many calls and emails their search engine marketing campaign was responsible for last month. But, do you know how many leads your SEM strategy contributed to without getting direct credit? Integrating your Google Ads account with your properties' Google Analytics and setting up proper website tracking enables marketers to know the true impact of their marketing strategies. In the example graph below, one can see that Paid Search contributed to all 78 website leads in the month of June. Of those 78 conversions, direct lead attribution would show that the SEM strategy was only responsible for 30 leads in your lead tracking management software. With proper integration and tracking setup, Street Digital Media shows that Paid Search actually assisted with 48 website conversions as indicated by the white bar (assisted conversions).
Why is this significant? The assisted conversions show that prospects engaged with the Paid Search campaign at least once, on some occasions multiple times, prior to contacting the leasing team via the property website. Thus, the SEM campaign was crucial in not only driving prospects to the site, but in contributing to every single lead from the property website. This detailed level of insight is a great way to show your clients and owners the true impact of your digital marketing strategy other than simple direct lead attribution.

For more information on how to properly setup your SEM campaigns and Google Analytics integration, email