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ACTION NEEDED: Facebook Announces Limited Data Use (LDU) for CCPA Compliance

Having gone into effect on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CPPA) aims to protect the privacy rights and give control over personal information for California consumers. The law requires websites to allow users the option to opt out of having their data and information collected- typically via a pop-up banner on the bottom of a site. Last week, Facebook announced a new feature called Limited Data Use (LDU) that has been automatically added to all Facebook Business accounts to limit the data collection and use of California resident information as identified by Facebook.

As reported by Search Engine Land, "the feature automatically detects if a user resides in California, and applies limited data use rules (more on those later). But that feature will only stay on until July 31—then Facebook requires businesses to update their pixel to include an LDU parameter." Please note, Street Digital Media is not here to provide any legal advice, but we do want our multifamily friends to be aware that if your digital marketing agency does not update your Facebook pixel on your website by July 31st, "your business will take on sole responsibility for compliance (and all associated risks with non-compliance)" according to Facebook. For information on how your agency can ensure that your pixel is updated and that you are in compliance, feel free to share the below link with them:


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